On-Line Shopping


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Seniors 101 Vancouver Island online sales





Golden Greens Farm
2895 Holman Rd, Chemainus BC.
Serving: Chemainus, Ladysmith, Duncan, and everywhere in between.

We grow a huge variety of produce, including melons, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans, corn, potatoes.

We also sell veggie and herb starts in the spring for home gardeners.  We have launched an online store to facilitate no-contact sales to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort:https://openfoodnetwork.ca/golden-greens-farm/shop



Seniors 101 Vancouver Island online salesNanaimo Farmers Market Online. https://www.instagram.com/nanaimofarmersmarketonline/?hl=en





BOTANICAL BLISS HERB FARM, Robin J. Round. Chartered Herbalist, Owner/Operator, 6119 Lakeview Drive, Duncan, BC. V9L 2G3 Canada
250-710-1276.    info@botanicalbliss.ca  https://botanicalbliss.ca


Mitchells Soup Co.,
Artisan soups from The Cowichan Valley,
Duncan, BC.
250-709-5555.    www.mitchellssoupco.com


The Cow-op Online Market
Cowichan Vallley, B.C.